about us

“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”
― Bill Gates

This quote from Bill Gates sums up the way we operate at Grouks. We make a point of thinking like a lazy bastard in order to offer the simplest solutions that will make a major impact.

We make the difference by identifying, whatever your problem is, a simple, effective and high value-added solution to implement. We will always recommend starting with a small, powerful change and then expanding to other changes based on the feedback and needs that have been identified through practice.

We see all theory and good practice as a wonderful toolbox to draw from or inspire us to create the right impact.


We believe that the most successful companies have vibrant and nurturing cultures, built around people who are focused, motivated, connected, and cohesive and who feel at ease with themselves. We want to help to create healthy, balanced, stress-free and sustaining corporate eco-systems by unleashing the power of the individuals, teams and managers within them.


Corporate cultures are living eco-systems. They cannot be changed by edict or design. Nor can they be manufactured. They are a delicate blend of human psychology, actions and attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. Our goal is to nurture a habitat for success. We equip individuals, teams and managers with the means to navigate and positively influence their own business eco-system.


Grouks means versatility and authenticity. We are proudly true to ourselves in the way we work, train and coach. We adapt to the individuals and teams who we see as our partners in a journey of discovery. Each Grouks experience is unique. Each Grouks experience is enlightening. You experience our authenticity as we guide you to reveal yours.

Its Founder

Yves de Jamblinne

I created Grouks in 2015. I had spent a decade working in IT and project/teams management roles. First, in a Belgian healthcare company and then for one of the Big Four consulting firms. These were great learning opportunities for me.

I thrive on new experiences, on change and on looking beyond the obvious. I often see solutions where others only see problems.

Trying to ‘fit’ into traditional corporate structures and ways of doing things often caused me frustration, and no doubt created tension with others… Then I discovered the Process Communication Model (PCM). It was an eye-opener and a life changer. I understood my true personality and its impact on others. This moment of truth also became the motivation for my future.

I am passionate about people. Companies are about people. Yet so often people are constrained by a company’s processes structures and a corporate culture that inhibits rather than enables. My ambition is to change that and to help corporate cultures evolve into vibrant and nurturing cultures, built around people who are focused, motivated, connected and cohesive, and who feel at ease with each other and with themselves.

Aquariums and fish have always inspired me. I find it a strikingly powerful metaphor for the corporate world: managers and employees are the fish who need to navigate, swim and survive in their environment. The waters contain unseen but strongly felt undercurrents. When the balance is upset, the fish can be over-stressed and it may result in a collapse of the delicate eco-system. This is so true of the business world too. There is a lot we can reflect on and learn from nature and apply to human nature.